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Argo CD Operator Release Process

  • VERSION in makefile defines the project version for the bundle.Update this value when you upgrade the version of your project.
  VERSION ?= 0.2.0
  • Ensure that the replaces field in clusterserviceversion(CSV) is set to the version you are planning to release.
  • Ensure that the 'currentCSV' field in operator package is set to the version you are planning to release.
  • Build the argocd-operator-util image.
  make util-build 
  • Push the argocd-operator-util image to
  make util-push
  • Copy the SHA digest of utility container image from the above command. Set this value to ArgoCDDefaultExportJobVersion in the defaults file.
  • Build the operator container image. Below command assumes the release version as v0.2.0. Please change the command accordingly.
  make docker-build
  • Push the operator container image. Below command assumes the release version as v0.2.0. Please change the command accordingly.
  make docker-push
  • Create the bundle artifacts using the SHA of the operator container image.
  make bundle
  • Create the registry image. Below command assumes the release version as v0.2.0. Please change the command accordingly.
  make registry-build
  • Push the registry image. Below command assumes the release version as v0.2.0. Please change the command accordingly.
  make registry-push
  • Update the catalog source with the SHA of the operator registry image.
  • Once all testing has been done, from the user interface, add the actual release tags (e.g. 'v0.2.0') to the argocd-operator and argocd-operator-registry images.

  • Commit and push the changes, then create a PR and get it merged.

  • Go to the argocd operator page and create a new release.

Steps to create a PR for Kubernetes OperatorHub Community Operators

  • Create a fork of kubernetes community operators.
  • Go to the community-operators/operators/argocd-operator folder

  • Copy the relevant release folder from the actual argocd-operator's 'deploy/olm-catalog/argocd-operator' folder into this folder

  • Edit the argocd-operator.package.yaml file and update the value of the currentCSV field

  • Edit the CSV file in the new release folder, and add a containerImage tag to the metadata section. Copy the value from the image tag already found in the file.

  • Commit and push the changes, then create a PR.

Steps to create a PR for Red Hat Operators

  • Create a fork of redhat community operators.
  • Go to the 'community-operators-prod/operators/argocd-operator' folder.

  • Copy the relevant release folder from the actual argocd-operator's deploy/olm-catalog/argocd-operator. folder into this folder.

  • Edit the argocd-operator.package.yaml file and update the value of the currentCSV field

  • Edit the CSV file in the new release folder, and add a containerImage tag to the metadata section. Copy the value from the image tag already found in the file.

  • Commit and push the changes, then create a PR.

  • In the argocd-operator repo, synchronize any changes in the release folder under deploy/olm-catalog/argocd-operator on the release branch back to the master branch (ensure the folder is an exact copy of what's on the release branch)

  • Update the VERSION in the Makefile in the argocd-operator repo's master branch to the next version (e.g. from `0.2.0 to 0.3.0)

  • Run make bundle to generate the intial bundle manifests for the next version

  • Commit and push the changes, then create a PR