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See the ArgoCDExport Reference for the full list of properties to configure the export process for an Argo CD cluster.


The following sections assume that an existing Argo CD cluster named example-argocd has been deployed by the operator using the existing basic ArgoCD example.

kubectl apply -f examples/argocd-basic.yaml

If an ArgoCDExport resource is created that references an Argo CD cluster that does not exist, the operator will simply move on and wait until the Argo CD cluster does exist before taking any further action in the export process.


The following example shows the most minimal valid manifest to export (backup) an Argo CD cluster that was provisioned using the Argo CD Operator.

kind: ArgoCDExport
  name: example-argocdexport
    example: basic
  argocd: example-argocd

This would create a new ArgoCDExport resource with the name of example-argocdexport. The operator will provision a Kubernetes Job to run the built-in Argo CD export utility on the specified Argo CD cluster.

If the Schedule property was set using valid Cron syntax, the operator will provision a CronJob to run the export on a recurring schedule. Each time the CronJob executes, the export data will be overritten by the operator, only keeping the most recent version.

The data that is exported by the Job is owned by the ArgoCDExport resource, not the Argo CD cluster. So the cluster can come and go, starting up everytime by importing the same backup data, if desired.

See the ArgoCD Import Reference documentation for more information on importing the backup data when starting a new Argo CD cluster.

Export Data

The Argo CD export data consists of a series of Kubernetes manifests representing the various cluster resources in YAML format stored in a single file. This exported YAML file is then AES encrypted before being saved to the storage backend of choice.

See the Argo CD Disaster Recovery documentation for more information on the Argo CD export data.

Export Secrets

An export Secret is used by the operator to hold the backup encryption key, as well as credentials if using a cloud provider storage backend. The operator will create the Secret if it does not already exist, using the naming convention [EXPORT NAME]-export. For example, if the ArgoCDExport resource is named example-argocdexport from above, the name of the generated secret would be example-argocdexport-export.

The SecretName property on the ArgoCDExport Storage Spec can be used to change the name of the Secret.

kind: ArgoCDExport
  name: example-argocdexport
    example: secret-name
  argocd: example-argocd
    secretName: my-backup-secret

The following property is common across all storage backends. See the sections below for additional properties that are required for the different cloud provider backends.


The backup.key is the encryption key used by the operator when encrypting or decrypting the exported data. This key will be generated automatically if not provided.

Storage Backend

The exported data can be saved on a variety of backend storage locations. This can be persisted locally in the Kubernetes cluster or remotely using a cloud provider.

See the ArgoCDExport Storage Reference for information on controlling the underlying storage options.


By default, the operator will use a local storage backend for the export process. The operator will provision a PersistentVolumeClaim using the defaults below to store the export data locally in the cluster on a PersistentVolume.

kind: ArgoCDExport
  name: example-argocdexport
    example: pvc
  argocd: example-argocd
    backend: local
        - ReadWriteOnce
          storage: 2Gi
      storageClassName: standard

Local Example

Create an ArgoCDExport resource in the argocd namespace using the basic example.

kubectl apply -n argocd -f examples/argocdexport-basic.yaml

You can view the list of ArgoCDExport resources.

kubectl get argocdexports
NAME                   AGE
example-argocdexport   15m

Creating the resource will result in the operator provisioning a Kubernetes Job to perform the export process. The Job should not take long to complete.

kubectl get pods -l job-name=example-argocdexport
NAME                         READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
example-argocdexport-q92qm   0/1     Completed   0          1m

if the Job fails for some reason, view the logs of the Pod to help in troubleshooting.

kubectl logs example-argocdexport-q92qm

Output similar to what is shown below indicates a successful export.

exporting argo-cd
creating argo-cd backup
encrypting argo-cd backup
argo-cd export complete

View the PersistentVolumeClaim created by the operator for the export data.

kubectl get pvc -n argocd
NAME                   STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
example-argocdexport   Bound    pvc-6d15143d-184a-4e5a-a185-6b86924af8bd   2Gi        RWO            gp2            39s

There should also be a corresponding PersistentVolume if dynamic volume support is enabled on the Kubernetes cluster.

kubectl get pv -n argocd
NAME                                       CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   RECLAIM POLICY   STATUS   CLAIM                         STORAGECLASS   REASON   AGE
pvc-6d15143d-184a-4e5a-a185-6b86924af8bd   2Gi        RWO            Delete           Bound    argocd/example-argocdexport   gp2                     34s


The operator can use an Amazon Web Services S3 bucket to store the export data.

kind: ArgoCDExport
  name: example-argocdexport
    example: aws
  argocd: example-argocd
    backend: aws
    secretName: aws-backup-secret

AWS Secrets

The storage SecretName property should reference an existing secret that contains the AWS credentials and bucket information.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: aws-backup-secret
    example: aws
type: Opaque
data: ...
  aws.bucket.region: ... ...
  aws.secret.access.key: ....

The following properties must exist on the Secret referenced in the ArgoCDExport resource when using aws as the storage backend.

The name of the AWS S3 bucket. This should be the name of the bucket only, do not prefix the value s3://, as the operator will handle this automatically.


The region of the AWS S3 bucket.

The AWS IAM Access Key ID.


The AWS IAM Secret Access Key.

AWS Example

Once the required AWS credentials are set on the export Secret, create the ArgoCDExport resource in the argocd namespace using the included AWS example.

kubectl apply -n argocd -f examples/argocdexport-aws.yaml

Creating the resource will result in the operator provisioning a Kubernetes Job to perform the export process.

kubectl get pods -l job-name=example-argocdexport

The Job should not take long to complete.

NAME                         READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
example-argocdexport-q92qm   0/1     Completed   0          1m

If the Job fails for some reason, view the logs of the Pod to help in troubleshooting.

kubectl logs example-argocdexport-q92qm

Output similar to what is shown below indicates a successful export.

exporting argo-cd
creating argo-cd backup
encrypting argo-cd backup
pushing argo-cd backup to aws
make_bucket: example-argocdexport
upload: ../../backups/argocd-backup.yaml to s3://example-argocdexport/argocd-backup.yaml
argo-cd export complete

AWS IAM Configuration

TODO: Add the required Role and Service Account configuration needed through AWS.


The operator can use a Micosoft Azure Storage Container to store the export data as Blob.

kind: ArgoCDExport
  name: example-argocdexport
    example: azure
  argocd: example-argocd
    backend: azure
    secretName: azure-backup-secret

Azure Secrets

The storage SecretName property should reference an existing secret that contains the Azure credentials and bucket information.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: azure-backup-secret
    example: azure
type: Opaque
data: ... ...
  azure.service.cert: |
    ... ... ...

The following properties must exist on the Secret referenced in the ArgoCDExport resource when using azure as the storage backend.

The name of the Azure Storage Container. This should be the name of the container only. If the container does not already exist, the operator will attempt to create it.

The ID for the Service Principal that will be used to access Azure Storage.


The combination of certificate and private key for authenticating the Service Principal that will be used to access Azure Storage.

The name of the Azure Storage Account that owns the Container.

The ID for the Azure Tenant that owns the Service Principal.

Azure Example

Once the required Azure credentials are set on the export Secret, create the ArgoCDExport resource in the argocd namespace using the included AWS example.

kubectl apply -n argocd -f examples/argocdexport-azure.yaml

Creating the resource will result in the operator provisioning a Kubernetes Job to perform the export process.

kubectl get pods -l job-name=example-argocdexport

The Job should not take long to complete.

NAME                         READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
example-argocdexport-q92qm   0/1     Completed   0          1m

If the Job fails for some reason, view the logs of the Pod to help in troubleshooting.

kubectl logs example-argocdexport-q92qm

Output similar to what is shown below indicates a successful export.

exporting argo-cd
creating argo-cd backup
encrypting argo-cd backup
pushing argo-cd backup to azure
    "cloudName": "...",
    "homeTenantId": "...",
    "id": "...",
    "isDefault": true,
    "managedByTenants": [],
    "name": "...",
    "state": "Enabled",
    "tenantId": "...",
    "user": {
      "name": "...",
      "type": "servicePrincipal"
  "created": false
Finished[#############################################################]  100.0000%
  "etag": "\"0x000000000000000\"",
  "lastModified": "2020-04-20T16:20:00+00:00"
argo-cd export complete

Azure AD Configuration

TODO: Add the required Role and Service Account configuration needed through Azure Active Directory.


The operator can use a Google Cloud Storage bucket to store the export data.

kind: ArgoCDExport
  name: example-argocdexport
    example: gcp
  argocd: example-argocd
    backend: gcp
    secretName: gcp-backup-secret

GCP Secrets

The storage SecretName property should reference an existing secret that contains the GCP credentials and bucket information.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: gcp-backup-secret
    example: gcp
type: Opaque
data: ... ...
  gcp.key.file: |

The following properties must exist on the Secret referenced in the ArgoCDExport resource when using gcp as the storage backend.

The name of the GCP storage bucket. This should be the name of the bucket only, do not prefix the value gs://, as the operator will handle this automatically.

The the project ID to use for authenticating with GCP. This can be the text name or numeric ID for the GCP project.


The GCP key file that contains the service account authentication credentials. The key file can be JSON formatted (preferred) or p12 (legacy) format.

GCP Example

Once the required GCP credentials are set on the export Secret, create the ArgoCDExport resource in the argocd namespace using the included GCP example.

kubectl apply -f examples/argocdexport-gcp.yaml

This will result in the operator creating a Job to perform the export process.

kubectl get pods -l job-name=example-argocdexport

The Job should not take long to complete.

NAME                         READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
example-argocdexport-q92qm   0/1     Completed   0          1m

If the Job fails for some reason, view the logs of the Pod to help in troubleshooting.

kubectl logs example-argocdexport-q92qm

Output similar to what is shown below indicates a successful export.

exporting argo-cd
creating argo-cd backup
encrypting argo-cd backup
pushing argo-cd backup to gcp
Activated service account credentials for: []
Creating gs://example-argocdexport/...
Copying file:///backups/argocd-backup.yaml [Content-Type=application/octet-stream]...
/ [1 files][  7.8 KiB/  7.8 KiB]
Operation completed over 1 objects/7.8 KiB.
argo-cd export complete

GCP IAM Configuration

TODO: Add the required Role and Service Account configuration needed through GCP.


See the ArgoCD Import Reference documentation for more information on importing the backup data when starting a new Argo CD cluster.