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OLM Install

The following steps can be used to install the operator using the Operator Lifecycle Manager on any Kubernetes environment with minimal overhead.

Cluster Setup

This guide uses minikube to deploy a Kubernetes cluster locally, follow the instructions for your platform to install. If you already have a Kubernetes cluster ready to go, skip to the OLM section.

Run minikube with a dedicated profile. Adjust the system resources as needed for your platform.

minikube start -p argocd --cpus=4 --disk-size=40gb --memory=8gb

Operator Lifecycle Manager

Install the OLM components manually. If you already have OLM installed, skip to the Operator section.


  • install OLM from here:


  • install using the operator-sdk command
operator-sdk olm install

Verify that OLM is installed. There should be two new namespaces, olm and operators created as a result.

kubectl get ns
NAME              STATUS   AGE
kube-system       Active   7d1h
default           Active   7d1h
kube-public       Active   7d1h
kube-node-lease   Active   7d1h
operators         Active   94s
olm               Active   94s

Verify that the OLM Pods are running in the olm namespace.

kubectl get pods -n olm
NAME                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
olm-operator-5b58594fc8-bzpq2       1/1     Running   0          2m10s
catalog-operator-6d578c5764-l5f5t   1/1     Running   0          2m10s
packageserver-7495fbf449-w4w6h      1/1     Running   0          80s
packageserver-7495fbf449-9jmpj      1/1     Running   0          80s
operatorhubio-catalog-pnsc7         1/1     Running   0          81s

That's it, OLM should be installed and availble to manage the Argo CD Operator.

Operator Install

Use the following steps to install the operator using an OLM Catalog.


Create a new namespace for the operator.

kubectl create namespace argocd

Operator Catalog

Create a CatalogSource in the olm namespace. This manifest references a container image that has the Argo CD Operator packaged for use in OLM. For more information on packaging the operator, see the development documentation.

kubectl create -n olm -f deploy/catalog_source.yaml

The catalog_source.yaml file can be found in the deploy folder in the repository. It should look like this:

kind: CatalogSource
  name: argocd-catalog
  sourceType: grpc
  image: # replace with your index image
  displayName: Argo CD Operators
  publisher: Argo CD Community

Verify that the Argo CD operator catalog has been created.

kubectl get catalogsources -n olm
NAME                    DISPLAY               TYPE   PUBLISHER        AGE
argocd-catalog          Argo CD Operators     grpc   Argo CD          6s
operatorhubio-catalog   Community Operators   grpc   25m

Verify that the registry Pod that serves the catalog is running.

kubectl get pods -n olm -l olm.catalogSource=argocd-catalog
NAME                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
argocd-catalog-nxn79   1/1     Running   0          55s

Operator Group

Create an OperatorGroup in the argocd namespace that defines the namespaces that the Argo CD Operator will watch for new resources.

Please find the file operator_group.yaml in the git repository.

It's content looks like this:

kind: OperatorGroup
  name: argocd-operator
kubectl create -n argocd -f deploy/operator_group.yaml

Verify that the new OperatorGroup was created in the argocd namespace.

kubectl get operatorgroups -n argocd
NAME              AGE
argocd-operator   10s


Once the OperatorGroup is present, create a new Subscription for the Argo CD Operator in the new argocd namespace.

You can use the file from the git repository, it looks like this:

kind: Subscription
  name: argocd-operator
  channel: alpha
  name: argocd-operator
  source: argocd-catalog
  sourceNamespace: olm
kubectl create -n argocd -f deploy/subscription.yaml

Verify that the Subscription was created in the argocd namespace.

kubectl get subscriptions -n argocd
NAME              PACKAGE           SOURCE           CHANNEL
argocd-operator   argocd-operator   argocd-catalog   alpha

The Subscription should result in an InstallPlan being created in the argocd namespace.

kubectl get installplans -n argocd
NAME            CSV                      APPROVAL    APPROVED
install-62hsr   argocd-operator.v0.1.0   Automatic   true

Finally, verify that the Argo CD Operator Pod is running in the argocd namespace.

kubectl get pods -n argocd
NAME                                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
argocd-operator-controller-manager-74b9ddb78c-lxzq2   2/2     Running   0          2m27s


Once the operator is installed and running, new ArgoCD resources can be created. See the usage documentation to learn how to create new ArgoCD resources.


You can clean up the operator resources by running the following commands.

kubectl delete -n argocd -f deploy/subscription.yaml
kubectl delete -n argocd -f deploy/operator_group.yaml
kubectl delete -n olm -f deploy/catalog_source.yaml
kubectl delete namespace argocd