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Argo CD Operator Release Process


Before beginning, make sure you have push access to the following repositories in

Lastly, make sure you are listed as a maintainer for argocd-operator in order to tag and publish releases.

argocd-operator changes

  • VERSION in Makefile defines the project version for the bundle. You will need to update this value when you want to upgrade the version of your project.
  VERSION ?= 0.2.0
  • Ensure that the replaces field in config/manifests/bases/argocd-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml is set to the version you are planning to release.

  • Ensure that the currentCSV field in deploy/olm-catalog/argocd-operator/argocd-operator.package.yaml is set to the version you are planning to release.

  • Build the argocd-operator-util image.

  make util-build 
  • Push the argocd-operator-util image to
  make util-push
  • Copy the SHA digest of utility container image from the above command. Set this value to ArgoCDDefaultExportJobVersion in common/defaults.go.

  • Build the operator container image. (Below command assumes the release version as v0.2.0; please change the command accordingly.)

  make docker-build
  • Push the operator container image. (Below command assumes the release version as v0.2.0; please change the command accordingly.)
  make docker-push
  • Create the bundle artifacts using the SHA of the operator container image.
  make bundle
  • The step above will create some changes to the control-plane code that must be reverted:
    • In bundle/manifests/argocd-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml and in deploy/olm-catalog/argocd-operator/[your-version]/argocd-operator.[your-version].clusterserviceversion.yaml, under the spec.install.spec.deployments add the control-plane label and change the deployment spec.selector.matchLabels.control-plane from argocd-operator to controller-manager, like so:
  - label:
      control-plane: controller-manager
    name: argocd-operator-controller-manager
      replicas: 1
          control-plane: controller-manager
      strategy: {}
            control-plane: controller-manager
  • In bundle/manifests/argocd-operator-controller-manager-metrics-service_v1_service.yaml and deploy/olm-catalog/argocd-operator/[your-version]/argocd-operator-controller-manager-metrics-service_v1_service.yaml, update the control-plane labels from argocd-operator to controller-manager, like so:
  creationTimestamp: null
    control-plane: controller-manager
  name: argocd-operator-controller-manager-metrics-service
  - name: https
    port: 8443
    targetPort: 8080
    control-plane: controller-manager
  • In bundle/manifests/argocd-operator-webhook-service_v1_service.yaml and deploy/olm-catalog/argocd-operator/[your-version]/argocd-operator-webhook-service_v1_service.yaml, update the control-plane label from argocd-operator to controller-manager, like so:
  control-plane: controller-manager
  • Create the registry image. (Below command assumes the release version as v0.2.0; please change the command accordingly.)
  make registry-build
  • Push the registry image. (Below command assumes the release version as v0.2.0; please change the command accordingly.)
  make registry-push
  • Update deploy/catalog_source.yaml with the SHA of the operator registry image.

  • Once all testing has been done, from the user interface, add the actual release tags (e.g. 'v0.2.0') to the argocd-operator and argocd-operator-registry images.

  • Commit and push the changes, then create a PR and get it merged.

  • Go to the argocd-operator GitHub repo and create (aka draft) a new release. Make sure to include release notes detailing what's changed and contributors. GitHub can help you generate new release notes (make sure to only include changes since the previous release, there is a dropdown option on the GitHub UI when drafting release notes to specify the previous tag).

Steps to create a PR for Kubernetes OperatorHub Community Operators

  • Fork and clone kubernetes community operators.

  • Go to the community-operators/operators/argocd-operator folder.

  • Copy the relevant release folder from the actual argocd-operator's deploy/olm-catalog/argocd-operator folder into this folder.

  • Edit the argocd-operator.package.yaml file and update the value of the currentCSV field.

  • Edit the CSV file in the new release folder, and add a containerImage tag to the metadata section. Copy the value from the image tag already found in the file.

  • Commit and push the changes, then create a PR. The PR merge process should be automatic if all the checks pass; once the PR is merged then continue on to the next step.

Steps to create a PR for Red Hat Operators

  • Fork and clone redhat community operators.

  • Go to the community-operators-prod/operators/argocd-operator folder.

  • Copy the relevant release folder from the actual argocd-operator's deploy/olm-catalog/argocd-operator folder into this folder.

  • Edit the argocd-operator.package.yaml file and update the value of the currentCSV field.

  • Edit the CSV file in the new release folder, and add a containerImage tag to the metadata section. Copy the value from the image tag already found in the file.

  • Commit and push the changes, then create a PR. The PR process should be automatic for this repository as well.

Setting up the next version

  • In the argocd-operator repo, synchronize any changes in the release folder under deploy/olm-catalog/argocd-operator on the release branch back to the master branch (ensure the folder is an exact copy of what's on the release branch).

  • Update the VERSION in the Makefile in the argocd-operator repo's master branch to the next version (e.g. from `0.2.0 to 0.3.0).

  • In config/manifests/bases/argocd-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml, update the replaces: field to be the current version (the one you just released), and the version: field to be the next version.

  • Run make bundle to generate the intial bundle manifests for the next version. (You may need to also run go mod vendor and go mod tidy)

  • Commit and push the changes, then create a PR to argocd-operator's master branch.